Enhancing Infrastructure Efficiency and Sustainability Program for Results (P4R), Serbia

Energy efficiency

Beneficiary Country:

  • Serbia Serbia

Type and/or measure of energy efficiency in buildings:

  • Public, government buildings

Donation passport

Donor/IFI: World Bank
Starting Year: 2017
Ending Year: 2021
Budget: 40 mil EUR
Type of Donation: Policy based loan
Status: Ongoing
World Bank

Lead Donor Contact

Victor A. Aragones, Katharina B. Gassner, Team Leaders, The World Bank

Short description of the overall project

National program with decentralized implementation structure and financing against results/ milestones achieved (at least Class C or two classes higher compared to pre-renovation).


Energy savings achieved / expected

Final energy savings (kWh): 1,100,000
CO2 emission reduction achieved /expected in kt Co2eq 19
Number of Houses  234