GIS-LINKS: GIS to mitigate air pollution in Kosovo

Climate Environment

Beneficiary Country:

  • Kosovo Kosovo*

Type and/or measure of energy efficiency in buildings:

  • Education and research

Donation passport

Starting Year: 2020
Ending Year: 2021
Budget: 0.085 mil EUR
Type of Donation: Technical assistance
Status: Ongoing

Lead Donor Contact

Emese Haty, Development and Project Advisor

Short description of the overall project

The project aims to combine the knowledge-based environment and self-organization, build relationships with government bodies to develop a Geographic Information System in the territory of the Republic of Kosovo.

The contributors will assemble and install air pollution sensors to measure environmental parameters affecting the quality of life such as the level of air pollution, to inform and alarm each other as well as the authorities.

The citizens of Kosovo are active in crowdsourcing data collection and distribution, as it was proven to numerous projects before. The project will therefore include other types of data collection related to environmental protection (e.g. monitoring of illegal landfills).

Project owner: Compet-Terra Organising and Consulting Ltd.


Short description of activities financed by  the donation

Technical assistance for setting up GIS to mitigate air pollution, including capacity building and knowledge transfer related data collection, analysis, and maintenance and further scaling up of GIS system.