Serbia - IPA Cadastre for Small Hydro Power Plants

Renewable energy

Beneficiary Country:

  • Serbia Serbia

Donation passport

Donor/IFI: European Union, National IPA
Starting Year: 2017
Ending Year: 2019
Budget: 1 mil EUR
Type of Donation: Technical assistance
Status: Closed
European Union

Lead Donor Contact

Gligo Vukovic, EU Delegation in Serbia

Short description of the overall project

The overall objective of the project is reforming energy policy of the Republic of Serbia by meeting EU Acquis through increase use of renewable energy.

The purpose of this contract is implementation of Serbian Energy Development Strategy in the renewable sector by encouraging and facilitating investments in small hydro power plants potentials (SHPP).


Short description of activities financed by  the donation

  • Result 1:  Updated Small Hydro Power Cadastre in electronic format, including web page, with real data from the field and new locations entries
  • Result 2: Trained staff and improved awareness on the new Cadastre for Small Hydro Power Plants.