Albania - IPA Support in the Energy Efficiency Sector and the Renewable Energy Sources Development

Energy efficiency Renewable energy

Beneficiary Country:

  • Albania Albania

Donation passport

Donor/IFI: European Union, National IPA
Starting Year: 2019
Ending Year: 2019
Budget: 0.5 mil EUR
Type of Donation: Technical assistance
Status: Closed
European Union

Lead Donor Contact

Francesca Renzi, EU Delegation Albania

Short description of the overall project

The project is planned to provide support to the recently created Energy Efficiency agency, organised on three levels: organisational/structure, technical support and communication and awareness raising.

Support to the sector of renewable energy sources is also planned to be defined and provided.


Short description of activities financed by the donation

The project components are as follows:

1. Organisational / functional structure support:
to the Agency in designing/organising the departments to be able to respond to the many and various tasks; the support shall include, but not limited to:

  • Prepare the full organigram, tasks specifications, qualifications required,
  • Prepare internal rules, procedures for handling some tasks (e.g. buildings certification, databases, training auditors, etc.)
  • Prepare the Agency’s Work Programme year 1 and year 2 

2. Technical support

  • To develop sectoral programmes that the Agency will implement: e.g in Industry, Buildings, Transport, Advise and Communication, Legal framework transposition  and implementation
  • To develop criteria to assess investment projects proposed for the Fund financing

3. Communication, awareness raising, advice

  • To develop a communication / awareness raising plan
  • To identify the type of advice that the Agency will be able to give energy consumers, industry, etc…