Climate resilient economic development

Climate Environment

Beneficiary Country:

  • Georgia Georgia

Donation passport

Donor/IFI: GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH)
Starting Year: 2019
Ending Year: 2022
Type of Donation: Technical assistance
Status: Ongoing

Lead Donor Contact

Stefanie Springorum

Short description of the overall project

There is a lack of experience in Georgia regarding the integration of climate risks into macroeconomic models for forecasting. Climate data and results from sector models need to be fed into these macroeconomic models to map climate change impacts on to various (socio-)economic variables and identify appropriate adaptation measures. In the country, requirements with respect to data availability, existing models and modelling capacities exist to a large extent.



Short description of activities financed by the donation

The project strengthens the country’s ability to model the economic impact of climate change independently. Using a baseline study as a foundation, it cooperates with staff from specialist agencies and institutes with responsibility for modelling. The project carries out comprehensive training, equipping national agencies to reflect the impact of climate change in their economic development planning. In this context, the project cooperates with recognised economic and climate research institutes, which provide skills in the area of climate impact research and climate modelling, and experience of macroeconomic modelling and analysis. The project supports the integration of findings into the political decision-making process. The project also cooperates closely with a range of local data providers, including statistical bodies and meteorological and research institutes.