Senior loan to MCF Sunrise, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Energy efficiency Climate Environment

Beneficiary Country:

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina

Type and/or measure of energy efficiency in buildings:

  • Retail and Services

Donation passport

Donor/IFI: EIB, KfW
Starting Year: 2018
Budget: 1.5 mil EUR
Type of Donation: Policy based loan
Status: Ongoing

Lead Donor Contact

Finance in Motion GmbH

Short description of the overall project

The Green for Growth Fund (GGF) has provided a 1.5 million senior loan to MCF Sunrise Sarajevo (MCF Sunrise) in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is the fund’s second partner in the Bosnian microfinance sector and through MCF Sunrise’s expanding network extends the GGF’s outreach to new regions for investments in the residential, agriculture and MSE sectors.

MCF Sunrise has a strong focus on low income entrepreneurs and micro and small businesses in urban and semi-urban areas of the country, offering the fund an opportunity to deepen its outreach in the microfinance sector. The loan will be used to finance a new energy efficiency loan product for MCF Sunrise’s clients through its 43 branches located throughout the country. Along with supporting MCF Sunrise’s growth in rural regions and ambitions to educate its clients on energy efficiency measures and benefits, planned internal capacity building and marketing supporting will be provided through the fund’s Technical Assistance Facility. 


Energy savings achieved / expected

Final energy savings (kWh) 5,500,000
CO2 emission reduction achieved /expected in kt Co2eq  2.1
Financial instruments used / use of current financial mechanisms Financing a new energy efficiency loan product.