Home Owners of Ukraine for Sustainable Energy Solutions (HOUSES)

Energy efficiency

Beneficiary Country:

  • Ukraine Ukraine

Donation passport

Donor/IFI: European Union
Starting Year: 2018
Ending Year: 2020
Budget: 4 million USD
Type of Donation: Technical assistance
Status: Ongoing
European Union

Lead Donor Contact

Tetyana Diyeva, UNDP communication focal point

Short description of the overall project

The Project’s main objective is to mobilize Ukrainian homeowners and motivate them to improve energy efficiency in the buildings where they live. At local level throughout the country the project will support the creation and developing the capacity of the newly created and existing Homeowners Associations (HOAs), which are intended to develop energy efficiency improvement projects and apply for financing to the newly established Ukrainian Energy Efficiency Fund.


Short description of activities financed by the donation

  • Public information campaign at national, regional and local levels to inform the public at large and local communities on the new energy efficiency legislation, the Energy Efficiency Fund’s programmes and its financing mechanisms.
  • Series of group and individual consultations with active homeowners willing to set up HOAs, pre-existing HOAs and local authorities on establishing HOAs, on book-keeping and financial management, and on how to seek and obtain financing for home improvement projects.