Multi-Donor Trust Fund Ukraine (managed by International Finance Corporation)

Energy efficiency Climate Renewable energy

Beneficiary Country:

  • Ukraine Ukraine

Donation passport

Donor/IFI: European Union, Other
Starting Year: 2018
Ending Year: 2023
Budget: total 124 million EUR; 104 mEUR EU, Government of Germany 20 mEUR
Type of Donation: Technical assistance and investment grants
Status: Ongoing
European Union

Lead Donor Contact

Olena Harmash, Communications Officer IFC

Short description of the overall project

A Multi-Donor Trust Fund was set up to help Ukraine reduce its reliance on imported gas, while also reducing state subsidies for energy consumed by its citizens

  • Technical assistance to support the Energy Efficiency Fund setup, operations and implementing country-wide energy efficiency programmes.
  • Support to creation of Homeowners associations.
  • Support to Reform and Policy Dialogue.
  • Training of energy auditors.
  • Co-financing programme “ENERGODIM” (Energyhouse), which is a program for partial reimbursement of implemented energy efficiency measures in multi-family buildings with Homeowners association and implementing by the Energy Efficiency Fund through partner banks. The grant will cover energy audit expenditures, project documentation, materials, equipment and cost of work in percentages in line with the grant policy.

Short description of activities financed by the donation

Financing is splitted on three categories:

  • EUR 80 million, EU plus EUR 20 million German contribution, to the supporting the financing of energy renovation of houses through the Ukrainian Energy Efficiency Fund;
  • EUR 17 million package of technical assistance implemented by International Finance Corporation (IFC) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to raise awareness in Ukrainian cities, prepare projects at the local level and support the management of the Fund;
  • EUR 7 million technical assistance package for supporting the introduction of modern energy efficiency standards and regulations as well as evaluation and audit.