Rehabilitation of district heating network in Pristina

Energy efficiency

Beneficiary Country:

  • Kosovo Kosovo*

Donation passport

Donor/IFI: European Union
Starting Year: 2019
Ending Year: 2020
Budget: total 6,1 million EUR (5,6 mEUR investment grant and 0.5 mEUR for supervision of works)
Type of Donation: Technical assistance and investment grants
Status: Ongoing
European Union

Lead Donor Contact

Lendita Gashi, EU Office in Kosovo*

Short description of the overall project

The aim of the project is to improve the district heating supply in Pristina to:

  • decrease heat energy losses in the district heating systems thus contribute to higher energy efficiency;
  • improve the quality of heating supply for the customers in order to substitute the use of electricity for space heating;
  • improve environmental performance, i.e. reduce greenhouse gas emissions by reduction of energy losses and improved energy efficiency in the district heating system.

The works are implemented by Brunata (Bulgaria) in consortium with ZAKLAD (Poland) and supervision of works is carried out by Egis International.


Short description of activities financed by the donation

1. Replacement of existing 103 substations with new substations of which 67 substations in residential sector and 36 public buildings;

2. Connection of new customers with 51 substations of which 40 substations in residential sector and 11 substations at public buildings.

3. Supply and installation of around 7 km of pre-insulated pipelines of which 3.4 km is replacement of existing pipelines  and the other 3.6 km is for extension to new customer.

4. Training for the operators of the heating substations.

4. Supervision of works and technical assistance on improving the O&M procedures of the district heating company.