Loan to microfinance provider MKF Partner, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Energy efficiency Climate Environment

Beneficiary Country:

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina

Type and/or measure of energy efficiency in buildings:

  • Single dwelling
  • Apartments/multi-residential dwellings
  • Retail and Services

Donation passport

Starting Year: 2018
Budget: 5 mil EUR
Type of Donation: Policy based loan
Status: Ongoing

Lead Donor Contact

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Short description of the overall project

Loan to microfinance provider MKF Partner will be invested in residential sector

  • EBRD loan of up to €5 million to MKF Partner, a microfinance institution;
  • Energy efficiency loans to residents and vendors of green technology;
  • Increasing availability of finance to support green economy in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The EBRD is providing a loan of up to €5 million to MKF Partner, a microfinance institution in Bosnia and Herzegovina, to support urgently needed energy efficiency investments in the country’s residential sector. The funds will be on-lent to individuals, residents’ associations, producers, service providers, suppliers and vendors of green technologies for investments that modernise existing housing stock and support the implementation of sustainable energy technologies.

Energy savings achieved / expected

Financial instruments used / use of current financial mechanisms Funds will be on-lent.