Ukraine adopts tax exemption laws for Ukraine Energy Support Fund imports

16 July 2024

On July 16th, 2024, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted two significant laws, 11258 and 11259, which grant tax exemptions for items brought into Ukraine under agreements funded by the Energy Community Secretariat within the framework of the Ukraine Energy Support Fund.

These laws aim to facilitate VAT and customs duties exemptions for imported equipment, including gas turbine generators, solar panels, batteries, and other energy equipment required for ensuring uninterrupted supply of electricity and heat for Ukrainians.

This measure will see more resources being made available for the critical supply of aid through the Ukraine Energy Support Fund and will increase the efficiency of the donor funds through quicker and more cost-effective procurement of essential energy equipment. We hope that increased efficiency and reduced costs will also encourage further international support and investment in Ukraine's energy sector.

In Scope:

  • Ukraine Ukraine

Ukraine adopts tax exemption laws

Ukraine Energy Support Fund imports