Kyiv hosts high-level conference on gas markets and energy security

26 June 2024

Today, industry leaders, policymakers, and stakeholders gathered in Kyiv for a high-level conference titled "Gas(es) markets in Ukraine – the Reform and the Outlook perspective." This conference, organized under the EU4Energy Project, provided a crucial platform to discuss the ongoing transformation of Ukraine's gas sector and its implications for regional energy security.

The event began with an introduction and scene-setting session, featuring Deputy Minister of Energy of Ukraine, Mykola Kolysnik, Mechthild Woersdoerfer, Deputy Director General of the European Commission, and Artur Lorkowski, Director of the Energy Community Secretariat, who shared insights on winter preparedness and the essential reforms needed in Ukraine's gas sector.

The first session, moderated by Aura Sabadus from ICIS, focused on Ukraine's role in ensuring energy security and its future in European gas supply. Key topics included the balance of the Ukrainian gas market for the next winter season, the security of supply in the EU and Energy Community, and the strategic outlook post-transit agreement expiration. Esteemed speakers such as, Hendrik Polex, Director at ENTSOG, Roman Maulitin, CEO of Ukrtransgaz and Dmytro Lyppa, CEO of GTSOU, contributed to the discussions.

The second session, led by Justin Goonesinghe of the USAID Energy Security Project, explored diversifying supply sources to meet the needs of a decentralized and decarbonized energy sector. Discussions covered unlocking new transmission routes, harnessing the biomethane potential for Ukraine and the EU, and integrating with the EU biomethane market. Speakers included Kateryna Kovalenko from GTSOU, Davide Rubini from Vitol, Maria Malaya, high official of the State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine, and the Secretariat’s Head of Gas Unit, Predrag Grujicic.

The conference underscored the importance of coordinated efforts and strategic planning to ensure the sector's resilience and integration with broader European energy markets. The discussions reinforced the shared goal of achieving a secure, sustainable, and diversified energy future for Ukraine and its partners.


The EU4Energy Governance Project is co-funded by the European Union and implemented by the Energy Community Secretariat.

This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the Energy Community Secretariat and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

In Scope:

  • Ukraine Ukraine