Energy Community urgently tackles blackout incident and calls for stronger regional cooperation 

25 June 2024

The Energy Community Security of Supply Coordination Group – Sub-Group for Electricity convened an extraordinary meeting to discuss the recent major grid incident that led to a power system blackout in Albania, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and a partial blackout in Croatia on June 21. 

The meeting was attended by over 80 representatives, including from the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) and stakeholders from the affected countries. During the session, participants shared information and preliminary findings concerning the blackout. It was noted that ENTSO-E is conducting a detailed investigation, and final conclusions regarding the causes of the incident will be released upon its completion. 

Discussions also highlighted the need for enhanced regional cross-border cooperation and coordination, and the necessity to strengthen the electricity transmission infrastructure to better manage and mitigate future risks. 

Additionally, the integration of Contracting Parties into the European internal electricity market was recognized as a critical step. Contracting Parties are urged to swiftly complete the transposition and implementation of the Electricity Integration Package within the Energy Community framework. 

Further updates will be provided as the investigation progresses and more information becomes available. 

In Scope:

  • Albania Albania
  • Montenegro Montenegro
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina