Energy Community Regulatory Board - Statement on recommending good investment practices

24 June 2024

The Energy Community Regulatory Board (ECRB), in accordance with its mandate under the Energy Community acquis, has issued a statement recommending good practices for the treatment of investment requests concerning Projects of Energy Community Interest.

The Energy Community TEN-E Regulation plays a pivotal role in facilitating the development of crucial energy infrastructure such as power transmission networks, energy storage facilities, smart grids, hydrogen infrastructure, electrolysers, and carbon dioxide infrastructure.

Recognizing the complexity involved in cross-border energy projects, the ECRB underscores the necessity of harmonized approaches in the allocation of project costs across borders. The ECRB’s statement is guided by the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) Recommendation no 02/2023, which outlines best practices for investment requests. These guidelines are crucial for project promoters seeking cross-border cost allocations, ensuring consistency and quality in their submissions to national regulatory authorities.

For more information, please refer to the ECRB statement recommending good practices for the treatment of investment requests for Projects of Energy Community Interest.