Energy Community Parliamentary Plenum focuses on green transition as a tool for accelerating EU integration 

23 May 2024

Today in Vienna, the Energy Community Parliamentary Plenum convened its first meeting of the year, bringing together representatives from the national parliaments of its Contracting Parties, including Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Montenegro, Kosovo*, and Ukraine.

The meeting's primary agenda was to discuss the advancement of the green transition through the empowerment of national frameworks for the effective implementation of National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs). Participants explored how parliaments can play a role in driving these initiatives, focusing on overcoming challenges and exchanging best practices in incentivizing reforms and financing the transition.

Further discussions underscored the importance of aligning with the Energy Community Treaty to facilitate a successful integration with the European Union. The members of parliaments discussed the significance of transposing the EU's clean energy package into national laws to foster accelerated integration with the EU's energy markets.

The plenum reiterated its commitment to tackling shared energy challenges and advancing the integration of a functional energy market that benefits all citizens while considering the potential social impacts of upcoming reforms.