EU4ENERGY supports Moldova on the way to advance electricity market integration with the European Union

Eu4Energy News
2 December 2022

On 2 December, EU4ENERGY brought together key electricity stakeholders in Moldova to discuss how the country can participate in the European inter-transmission system operator compensation (ITC) mechanism in order to take full advantage of the synchronization of its power system with Continental Europe and transpose and implement Regulation (EU) 838/2010 as required under its membership of the Energy Community. The successful joining of the ITC Mechanism will bring the country’s transmission system operator closer to European ENTSO-E standards and advance market integration with the European Union.

The ITC mechanism establishes a basis for fair compensation to transmission system operators for the costs of making infrastructure available to host cross-border flows of electricity and for energy losses resulting from hosting cross-border flows of electricity. Implementation of Regulation (EU) 838/2010 will create the legal basis for the Moldovan transmission system operator, SE “Moldelectrica”, to participate in the ITC mechanism and create a level playing field for cross-border electricity trades through the interconnections with other ITC parties (EU and Energy Community transmission system operators) due to abolishment of additional charges for export/import. Further steps in order to join the ITC mechanism are the certification of the transmission system operator and a cross-border capacity allocation process that is compliant with Guidelines on the management and allocation of available transfer capacity of interconnections.

The meeting brought together representatives of Moldovan institutions: the energy regulator ANRE and Moldelectrica, the EU Delegation to Moldova and the Energy Community Secretariat


This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the Energy Community Secretariat and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union. 

The EU4Energy Governance Project is co-funded by the European Union and implemented by the Energy Community Secretariat.

In Scope:

  • Moldova Moldova