Popular Monthly Methane Mondays webinar series draws to a close

8 November 2021

Today, the concluding “Methane Monday” on the future direction of EU methane policy wrapped up the successful webinar series. The closing webinar provided perspectives from the European Commission, European Parliament, UN Environment Programme (UNDP), Florence School of Regulation and the Energy Community on the future policy direction to be taken following the EU’s methane emissions strategy published one year ago and the establishment of the International Methane Emissions Observatory and the launch of the Global Methane Pledge.

Starting in March 2021, a total of seven webinars were organized by the Energy Community Secretariat in cooperation with experts from GIE, MARCOGAZ, Methane Guiding Principles and other leading industry associations. Attracting more than 700 participants, the webinars improved gas stakeholders’ knowledge about the importance of tackling methane leakage by the gas industry and best practices in their assessment, measurement and reporting, as well as reduction.

Monthly Methane Mondays will return in 2022 to bring up-to-date information on methane emissions in the gas sector and activates aimed at their reduction.