First volume of Market Monitoring Report 2020 reveals gas reforms implemented in Ukraine deliver improved market functioning, other Contracting Parties lagging behind

14 July 2021

The Gas Wholesale Market Volume of the Annual Monitoring Report 2020 was released today by the EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) and the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER). Once again, the report covers gas market developments in the Energy Community Contracting Parties based on data provided by the Contracting Parties’ national regulatory authorities. The other two volumes, namely, electricity wholesale and retail and customer protection, will be released later this year. 

The Gas Wholesale Volume presents the results of monitoring the gas markets of the European Union and the Energy Community Contracting Parties. The Volume assesses the progress made towards a fully functioning internal gas market and offers recommendations on how remaining barriers that hinder the competitiveness of certain markets or limit their market integration can be overcome.

As of 2020, all gas network codes are applicable in the Energy Community Contracting Parties. However, their implementation advanced only in Ukraine. This and other positive regulatory changes contributed to a substantial increase in the liquidity and transparency of the Ukrainian gas market, as well as its better integration with EU neighbours. The lack of reforms in other Contracting Parties is reflected in the currently low levels of gas market development.