Montenegro announces ban on small hydropower plant construction
Last week, the Prime Minister of Montenegro, Mr Zdravko Krivokapić, unveiled the government’s programme to the National Assembly. The programme focuses on the “four E’s”: energy, efficiency, economy and ecology. The spotlight is given to the protection of rivers and addressing concerns over future small hydropower development.
Mr. Krivokapić announced that as small hydropower plants, the contribution of which is relatively insignificant to energy production, cause ecosystems damage and in some cases lead to financial harm to the state, the government plans to adopt a declaration that will permanently ban the construction of small hydropower projects on Montenegrin rivers.
The possible significant impacts of small hydropower projects and the importance of proper environmental assessments are the cornerstones of the “Policy Guidelines on small hydropower projects in the Energy Community” published by the Secretariat in September 2020. A key priority for the Secretariat is the proper transposition, implementation and enforcement of environmental assessment legislation under the acquis. The Secretariat supports all efforts made in light of this key priority.