Secretariat issues Opinion on the unbundling of the gas system operator Gas Promet

2 October 2020

Today the Energy Community Secretariat published its Opinion on the unbundling of the gas transmission system operator (TSO) Gas Promet in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Opinion requests several conditions to be implemented for the company to be certified.

The Secretariat’s main concerns relate to the independence of Gas Promet of its largest shareholders, Republika Srpska (an entity of Bosnia and Herzegovina also engaged in energy gas production and supply) and Srbijagas, the vertically integrated public gas company of Serbia. The Opinion suggests that the latter limits its shareholding rights to passive financial rights and rectifies incompatibilities in the exercise of corporate functions.

For more information on the certification process in general and details on ongoing or completed transmission system operator certifications in the Energy Community, including the  certification of Gas Promet, please consult the Secretariat’s new page on certification.

In Scope:

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina