Energy Community Secretariat launches Heating and Cooling Network

29 September 2020

The Secretariat is delighted to announce the launch of its online Heating and Cooling Network, which aims to support the deployment of more renewables and waste heat in the district heating networks of the Contracting Parties. The Network will facilitate exchanges of good practice and information sharing on modern technologies, policies and support programmes among technical experts and policy-makers as well as inform the public at large about the benefits of renewables and waste heat in district heating networks.

District heating and cooling presents untapped opportunities to improve energy efficiency and savings and, if based on renewables, can contribute to mitigating climate change and meeting international obligations under the Paris Agreement. It stands to become a significant component of the transition to a smart integrated energy system, used alongside renewable energy solutions such as geothermal, large scale heat pumps, biomass or solar thermal in the district heating networks.

In the Western Balkans, space heating and hot water supply alone account for 43% of total energy consumption, and an alarming 97% of it is based on fossil fuels. In Ukraine, space heating and hot water supply account for approximately 60% of total energy consumption, 35%-40% of which is supplied by district heating but only 7% is based on renewable energy.

The Secretariat invites all interested district heating operators, regulatory bodies, central and local government experts, donors and financial institution to join the network free of charge. In case you would like to become a member, post information and participate in debates, please register.