EU4Energy delivers technical assistance project to support Ukraine in transposition of REMIT Regulation
On 18 May, EU4Energy Governance finalized the technical assistance project to assist Ukraine in the transposition of the REMIT Regulation. Experts worked on drafting amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Introduction of Changes to Certain Legislative Acts on Prevention from Abuse on Wholesale Energy Markets” that yet remains to be adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. A full transposition of the REMIT Regulation will enable fair and competitive wholesale energy prices allowing the energy market to function effectively for the benefit of consumers and industry alike.
* The EU4Energy Initiative covers all EU support to improve energy supply, security and connectivity, as well as to promote energy efficiency and the use of renewables in the Eastern Partner countries Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. It does this by financing projects and programmes that help to reform energy markets and to reduce national energy dependence and consumption. Over the longer term, this makes energy supply more reliable, transparent and affordable, thus reducing energy poverty and energy bills for both citizens and the private sector.