Energy Community Coordination Group assesses impact of COVID-19 on the renewables sector

Renewable energy
29 April 2020

Yesterday's Renewable Energy Coordination Group gathered more than 60 participants to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 crisis and other global trends on the renewables sector. As in the EU, the crisis has affected timelines for the implementation of ongoing renewables projects and postponed deadlines for bidding procedures (auctions) for new projects in the Energy Community. At present, Serbia is the only Contracting Party to have temporarily postponed the payment of support to privileged renewables producers during the state of emergency. The meeting highlighted that the promotion of renewable energy must be a strong component of recovery plans.

The meeting also focused on the state of reforms of renewables support schemes, the preparation of 2030 targets for renewables and National Energy and Climate Plans. The Secretariat briefed the participants about ongoing studies on the potential of renewable energy in transport and carbon pricing. An update of the Secretariat's Policy Guidelines on the integration of prosumers to ensure compliance with the updated Directive (EU) 2018/2001 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources will by published soon.

A public consultation on Policy Guidelines on the development of small hydropower projects will be launched in the following weeks. The purpose of the guidelines is to outline how hydropower projects can be constructed in a compliant manner, taking into consideration renewable energy targets on the one hand and environmental aspects on the other.

The meeting was held digitally as part of the Secretariat’s response to the COVID-19 situation and measures issued by the Austrian authorities.